
SchoolTime has the flexibility of changing the interface to any language. Even if the language is not listed there in SchoolTime, the school shall create one and define the phrases. Everything on this can be done by School itself without interacting with the developers. This articles helps the admin users on how to do it.

How to configure?

  • Click on Settings menu
  • Click System sub menu and choose the General Details 

  • The language can be changed from the drop down. Click the red floppy icon to save the changes.
  • Suppose if the language is not listed in the drop down, click the Manage Language menu item, and choose Add Language sub menu item and create the language name. Once the language is added, the phrases for that language can be updated by clicking the "Edit Phrase" button next to the language.

  • From the list of languages shown, click on "Edit Phrase" right next to the preferred language. 


  • Existing phrases will be displayed with pre-translated content. Each item in this grid lists the actual phrase in English, the box below allows the user to update the content to their desired language value.
  • After updating the phrases, click on the floppy disc icon to save the changes. 

That simple it is. Your school is now ready to use your local language.