Board & Grading system Configurations
This module has 3 distinct sections/tabs:
- Grading System
- Board (Education Board)
- Grade Definition
Grading System
If you are a K-12, College/University or a Training Centre, you have predefined way to grading your student's performance. This system allows you to create multiple grading systems as well, since many institutions follow different types of grading within the same school.
While Adding a New Grading System, you need to give it a name. For Example: CGPA, CCE, etc, to identify the grading system.
Following are the steps to add a Grading System for your School. Note: At this stage you are only creating a nomenclature for the Grading System. Later you will be able to define the exact way this Grading system measures performance.
- Click on add Grading System tab.
- Then Fill the details of Grading Name & Description.
- Click on button 'Add Grading'.
Board of Education
A Body providing guidelines of the way education is delivered in your institution. For a K-12 School it could be CBSE, ICSE, IB, IGCSE, etc. For a College it could be the Affiliated University. For a Training Centre it could be Independent or the name of the Parent Franchise.
- Create a Board by clicking the "Add Board" Tab.
- You can Create Multiple Boards within the same institution as well.
- Select the Grading System for the Board.
- Enter a Description
- Click "Add Board".
- Define the Grade Points for CCE Grading System one at a time.
Create Grade Point A1 for marks obtained from 100 to 91.
- Click Add Grade
- Again add another Grade Definition for B.
- And so on.